Accessing information held by QBCC | Queensland Building and Construction Commission

QBCC licence and other fees are set by regulation and increase according to the Government Indexation Rate. For 2024-2025, the Government Indexation Rate is zero percent. Therefore there was no fee increase on 1 July 2024. 

Open road with sunset in the distance

We are committed to giving the community greater access to information held by the QBCC, unless there is a good reason not to provide that information.

Is the information you are looking for already online?

Before making a Right to Information (RTI) request, check to see if the information is already available by searching:

  • Our lists – information we routinely gather and make available to the public, e.g, the Online Licence Search
  • About us pages – information we make available and how you can access it. This is known as our Publication Scheme
  • Disclosure Log – information previously released under RTI

Note: Information such as certifier lists and insurance searches are available for a fee.

Contact us or lodge a form

If you can't find what you're looking for in a search, or you want to lodge an application with us, you can contact us by:

  • phone139333
  • mail
    Manager, Right to Information
    Queensland Building and Construction Commission
    GPO Box 5099
    Brisbane Qld 4001

Last reviewed: 11 Feb 2024 Last published: 11 Feb 2024
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