Report a safety issue or incident | Queensland Building and Construction Commission

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If you don't tell us about safety incidents straight away, we can't do the enquiries needed, making it harder for us to reduce unsafe work practices.

If you are a licensee looking after a building site or on a site carrying out work, you must notify the QBCC of a notifiable incident immediately. You may be subject to enforcement action if you don't notify us.


What is a notifiable incident?

A notifiable incident is either:

  • when someone dies or suffers serious illness or injury
  • an incident that exposes a person to a risk of serious injury or illness.

A serious injury or illness requires the person to have either:

  • immediate treatment as an inpatient in a hospital
  • immediate treatment for the amputation of a body part, serious head injury, serious eye injury, serious burns, separation of skin from underlying tissue, spinal injury, loss of a bodily function, or serious lacerations
  • medical treatment within 48 hours of exposure to a substance.

Who must report a safety incident?

A QBCC licensee who is in control of, or carrying out building work on a building site, must notify us if either:

  • a notifiable incident occurs on the site
  • a person on any site where they are carrying out building work fails to comply with a notice or injunction issued under the either the
    • Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (Part 10)
    • Electrical Safety Act 2002 (Part 11A).

If the QBCC licensee on site is a company, an officeholder or senior employee must notify the QBCC on the company's behalf.

How to report a safety incident

Licensees must notify the QBCC in the fastest way possible. This means taking action as soon as you see or hear about a safety incident on-site.

  1. You will need some important information before you contact us, including:

    • the time and date of the incident
    • the address of the incident
    • who is the QBCC licensee in control of the site
    • who was injured or breached the notice or injunction from Workplace Health and Safety Queensland or the Electrical Safety Office
    • was medical assistance required
    • why the incident occured
    • which other agencies (if any) have you notified of the incident.
  2. You can notify us by either:

    Report safety issue or incident

Unsure if a safety incident needs reporting?

If a safety incident has occurred and you are unsure if would be considered a notifiable incident, it is best to contact us to find out.

Give us a call on 139 333 straight away. We can let you know and help you lodge a notification if required.

Offence not to notify us

We take safety seriously. It is an offence under s54A of the Queensland Building and Construction Commission Act for a licensee not to notify us of an incident in the fastest way possible.

If you don't notify us of a safety incident you may be prosecuted.

Report to other regulators

You may also have to report the matter to other relevant regulators such as:

You should contact their office directly for more information about when you need to report to other regulators.

Safety incidents involving non-conforming building products

Learn more about what you need to do if a safety incident involves a non-conforming building product.

Report an NCBP or safety incident

Last reviewed: 30 Aug 2021 Last published: 30 Aug 2021
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