Take out home warranty cover | Queensland Building and Construction Commission

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To take out cover, you will need to know how to calculate the:

  • insurable value
  • premiums for 
    • single dwelling
    • 2 or more detached dwellings
    • multiple dwellings or duplexes
    • flat packs
  • premiums with QLeave levy.

How to take out cover

  1. The premium is based on the insurable value of the work.

    This is calculated differently, depending on whether you are working on:

    • a single residence 
    • multiple dwellings.

    Exceptions apply for some work — see calculating the premium for full details. 

  2. Once you know the insurable value of the work, you can match that to the premium amount by looking at the relevant insurance premium table:

  3. When you take out the policy we will need to know:

    • the home owner's:
      • name
      • postal address
      • phone number
      • email address — make sure this is a real email address and one that they check regularly (if they have one)
    • details of the place where the work is being performed:
      • lot number
      • registered plan number
      • street address
    • description of the work (e.g. new build, alterations)
    • number of storeys and number of units (if applicable)
    • the insurable value of the work
    • date of contract.
  4. To take out a policy online you can:

    • login or register for myQBCC 
    • click the insurance tab 
    • choose the Manage my policies
    • click the button to create a new policy
    • complete the form
    • pay the premium and submit.

    Start new home warranty policy

    myQBCC user guide—creating a policy (PDF, 613MB)

  5. Once you have added all your details in the form, pay the premium using a credit or debit card and submit.

    You can also pay the premium by direct debit from a bank account. To do this you must set up a direct debit service agreement prior to needing to pay
  1. The premium is based on the insurable value of the work.

    This is calculated differently, depending on whether you are working on:

    • a single residence 
    • multiple dwellings.

    Exceptions apply for some work — see calculating the premium for full details. 

  2. Once you know the insurable value of the work, you can match that to the premium amount by looking relevant insurance premium table:

  3. When you take out the policy we will need to know:

    • the home owner's:
      • name
      • postal address
      • phone number
      • email address — make sure this is a real email address and one that they check regularly (if they have one)
    • details of the place where the work is being performed:
      • lot number
      • registered plan number
      • street address
    • description of the work (e.g. new build, alterations)
    • number of storeys and number of units (if applicable)
    • the insurable value of the work
    • date of contract.
  4. You can lodge the form:

    You can pay the premium by:

    • direct debit from a bank account. To do this you must:
      • set up a direct debit service agreement prior to needing to pay
      • tell us every time you wish to pay your premium by direct debit, even if you have already set up the agreement.
    • EFTPOS at a customer service centre
      NOTE: Only licensees can make the payment and must show proof of ID using their contractor or driver licence.
    • us calling you to arrange phone payment by credit or debit card once we receive the paperwork.
  1. The premium is based on the insurable value of the work.

    This is calculated differently, depending on whether you are working on:

    • a single residence 
    • multiple dwellings.

    Exceptions apply for some work — see calculating the premium for full details. 

  2. Once you know the insurable value of the work, you can match that to the premium amount by looking relevant insurance premium table:

  3. When you take out the policy we will need to know:

    • the home owner's:
      • name
      • postal address
      • phone number
      • email address — make sure this is a real email address and one that they check regularly (if they have one)
    • details of the place where the work is being performed:
      • lot number
      • registered plan number
      • street address
    • description of the work (e.g. new build, alterations)
    • number of storeys and number of units (if applicable)
    • the insurable value of the work
    • date of contract.
  4. Call us on 139 333 to

    • give us the relevant details
    • pay the premium.

    You can pay the premium by:

    • a debit or credit card
    • direct debit from a bank account. To do this you must:
      • set up a direct debit service agreement prior to needing to pay
      • tell us every time you wish to pay your premium by direct debit, even if you have already set up the agreement.

What happens next?

Once you have paid the premium we send a Notice of Cover to:

  • you
  • the home owner.

Please check the Notice of Cover. If you find any errors, please contact us to amend the documents.

If the residential construction work you are doing requires building approval, you'll need to provide the Notice of Cover to your certifier so they can issue the approval and the approved plans.

We will also send the home owner a:

Last reviewed: 21 Sep 2021 Last published: 13 Jun 2022
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