Request your personal information (IP) | Queensland Building and Construction Commission

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If you'd like to access any of your personal information that is held at QBCC, you can make an Information Privacy (IP) application. This option is only available to individuals, not companies.

Before lodging your application, please check whether this information is available under the less formal Administrative Access (AA) process.


There is no application fee for an IP application, however occasionally access charges may apply.

Access charges

Access charges may include:

  • $0.25 per page of black and white A4 photocopies of documents (does not apply to digital copies supplied by email or CD)
  • the actual cost incurred to engage another entity to search for and retrieve a document
  • the actual cost of transcribing a recording or preparing a written document (you may prefer to consider requesting access to a copy of the audio and arranging the transcript yourself).

Please email us if you need additional information on access charges before lodging your application.

How to apply

Download and complete:

Information Privacy application form  (PDF, 208KB)

You will need to provide us with:

If someone (including a legal representative) is acting on your behalf or as your agent, you must provide:

  • evidence that they have authority to act on your behalf
  • certified copy of their proof of identity
  • certified copy of your proof of identity.

Lodge the completed form and supporting documents to us by mail or email.

What happens next?

Valid applications must be processed within 25 business days of us receiving them. A further 10 business days can be added if consultation with third parties are required.

We may negotiate a further extension of time with you, if

  • additional processing time is required due to the size or complexity of the application
  • there are problems locating documents
  • there is a backlog of applications.

After we send you the result of your request, you can ask for a review of the decision if you don’t agree with the outcome.

If we have requested an extension of time to make a decision, this does not affect your right for the internal review.

Last reviewed: 6 Oct 2021 Last published: 6 Oct 2021
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