Accessibility | Queensland Building and Construction Commission

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Under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992, Australian Government agencies are required to ensure information and services are provided in a non-discriminatory accessible manner.

To meet this requirement, we are working towards Web Content Accessibility Guidelines level 2.0 AA compliance. These guidelines are designed to help make content accessible to a wider range of people with disabilities, such as:

  • blindness and low vision
  • deafness and hearing loss
  • learning disabilities
  • cognitive limitations
  • limited movement
  • speech disabilities
  • photosensitivity
  • and any combination of these.

Following these guidelines will also often make content more usable for:

  • people with slower internet connections (including some rural and regional users) or less than state-of-the-art equipment
  • people with non-PC internet devices including handheld devices, game consoles and mobile phones.

There may be some data on the website that is not fully accessible. This data is in the process of being made more accessible. 

If, however, there is data that you require and it is in a format that you cannot access, or if you experience any other accessibility difficulties, please contact us for further assistance.

Accessibility features of this website

The accessibility features available on this site include:

Tab order

Our website has a logical tab order for navigating without a mouse. Use the tab key on your keyboard to move to the next link or field. Use shift plus tab to move backwards, and the enter key to follow links and submit forms. Most browsers support these functions.

ARIA keyboard navigation

All rich interactive elements on our website can be navigated using key combinations recommended by the Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) standard.

When using a browser that supports ARIA, you can:

  • use the tab key to enter an interactive element as part of the tab order for the page
  • use the arrow keys to move focus between the different controls for the interactive element
  • use the Enter key to activate a focussed control
  • use the tab key to move to the next set of controls or to leave the interactive element.

The following browsers are known to support ARIA:

  • Internet Explorer 8 and later
  • Firefox 2 and later
  • Opera 9 and later
  • Google Chrome.

When using a browser that does not support ARIA all controls are still accessible as part of the normal tab order.

Last reviewed: 3 Oct 2021 Last published: 3 Oct 2021
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