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- Categories of notifiable work
Categories of notifiable work
There are 12 categories of notifiable work referred to in schedule 1 of the Plumbing and Drainage Regulation 2019.
1. Extending etc. supply pipes
Work necessary for extending, altering, replacing or removing supply pipes, other than supply pipes for a fire service, if the work is for:
- an existing building
- an extension to an existing class 1 building
- a structure for an existing class 1 building.
2. Fire services
Work necessary for extending or removing a fire service, if the work is:
- associated with a building development approval under the Building Act 1975, schedule 2; and
- for an existing class 2 to 9 building.
3. Existing sanitary plumbing
Work necessary for extending, altering, replacing or removing sanitary plumbing if the work is for an existing building.
4. Existing sanitary drainage
Work necessary for extending, altering, replacing or removing sanitary drainage, other than a combined sanitary drain, if the work is for:
- an existing class 1 or 10 building or structure
- an extension to an existing class 1 building
- a structure for an existing class 1 building.
5. Temperature control devices
Work necessary for installing, replacing or removing a temperature control device, if the work is for:
- an existing building
- an extension to an existing class 1 building
- a structure for an existing class 1 building.
6. Water heaters
Work necessary for installing, replacing or removing a water heater, if the work is for:
- an existing building
- an extension to an existing class 1 building
- a structure for an existing class 1 building.
7. Backflow prevention devices
Work necessary for installing, replacing or removing a testable backflow prevention device or a dual check valve with atmospheric port, if the work is for:
- an existing building
- an extension to an existing class 1 building
- a structure for an existing class 1 building.
8. Greywater treatment plants
Work necessary for:
- installing a greywater use facility that includes a greywater treatment plant in a sewered area, if the premises where the facility is proposed to be installed generates no more than 3kL of greywater a day
- replacing a greywater treatment plant.
9. Fixtures for class 1 or 10 buildings
Work necessary for installing or relocating a fixture, if the work is for:
- an existing class 1 or 10 building or structure
- an extension to an existing class 1 building
- a structure for an existing class 1 building.
10. Fixtures for class 2 to 9 buildings of 1 or 2 storeys
Work, other than for sanitary drainage, necessary for installing or relocating a fixture, if the work is for an existing class 2 to 9 building of 1 or 2 storeys above ground.
11. Sanitary drains
Work necessary for sealing a sanitary drain upstream from the connection point for a treatment plant or a service provider's sewerage system if the work is for an existing building.
12. Sealing supply pipes
Work necessary for sealing a supply pipe downstream from a water meter if the work is for an existing class 2 to 9 building.
Categories on the Form 4/4a
You will need to identify which categories of notfiable work you have performed when you complete a Form4/4a to register the work with us.