Service Trades Council (STC) | Queensland Building and Construction Commission

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About the STC

The STC:

  • promotes and enhances the QBCC’s licensing of plumbing and drainage tradespeople
  • supports the QBCC’s investigation of complaints relating to regulated and unlicensed work by the above service trades and to take appropriate enforcement action where necessary
  • is a responsive regulator in addressing issues of concern raised by the Minister or representatives of the Council
  • assists the QBCC in promoting acceptable standards of competence for the above trades.
  1. The STC held its first meeting on 4 August 2016. The STC was re-appointed in July 2020, and currently meets on a bi-monthly basis.

    The STC forms part of the QBCC, and is supported by the QBCC’s Assistant Commissioner—Service Trades and Regulatory. The STC may provide advice and recommendations to the QBCC Commissioner and the Minister for Public Works about issues affecting the service trades industry.

  2. As the independent advisory body representing Queensland service trades, the STC's vision is to protect the public's health and safety as well as the environment.

  3. The Service Trades Council (STC) is responsible for delivering the following functions:

    • conferring on national policy development and implementation for the trade
    • reporting to the Minister on—
      • any issue relating to the trade the Minister refers to
      • any issue relating to the trade the council considers the Minister should know about
    • making recommendations to the QBCC Commissioner about the performance of the Commissioner’s functions under the Act
    • establishing a panel of the Council to assist the QBCC Commissioner to effectively and efficiently perform the Commissioner’s functions under part 3, divisions 1 to 6
    • establishing other panels to assist the Council to effectively and efficiently perform its functions
    • reviewing decisions of the QBCC Commissioner made under section 51 of the Plumbing and Drainage Act 2018.

  4. All members of STC and its deputy members, alongside the QBCC staff who support the Council, are committed to carrying out functions in a professional manner, with emphasis on:

    • treating clients and each other with respect
    • being transparent and accountable
    • observing the principles of natural justice in all actions, policies and procedures
    • striving towards best practice in everything the Council does.
  5. The STC acts as the internal reviewer for decisions of the QBCC Commissioner made under section 51 of the Plumbing and Drainage Act 2018 to take disciplinary action against a licensee.

    If you have received a decision notice advising that the QBCC is taking disciplinary action against you, and you would like a review of the decision, you can request the STC to review the case.

    You must make your application for review within 28 days after you are given notice of the decision. 

    To apply for a review, please send the following information to the Service Trades Council Secretariat:

    • your name, licence number and contact details
    • the date you were given notice of the QBCC’s decision; and
    • why you would like a review of the decision.

    Applications can be lodged:

  6. The STC regularly seeks feedback from licensees and other members of the service trades industry to learn about issues affecting the industry.

    If you would like to submit a matter for the STC’s consideration, you can complete the Service Trades Council Referral form. Please note, the Council can only consider matters that fall within its prescribed functions. This may include matters relating to:

    • Licensing, training and qualifications for the plumbing and drainage trade
    • Technical issues in the plumbing and drainage trade (ie relating to products or the performance of work)
    • Compliance issues in the plumbing and drainage trade (ie unlicensed work or notifiable work matters)
    • Issues with legislation, codes and standards affecting the plumbing and drainage trade; or
    • Emerging issues impacting on the plumbing and drainage trade.

    If you have any questions about the form, please email

STC Members

The STC is established with members representing the following organisations:

  • Queensland Building and Construction Commission
  • Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works
  • Department of Employment, Small Business and Training
  • Queensland Health
  • Air-conditioning and Mechanical Contractors Association of Queensland
  • Plumbing and Pipe Trades Employees Union Queensland
  • Institute of Plumbing Inspectors Queensland
  • Local Government Association of Queensland
  • Master Plumbers’ Association of Queensland
  • National Fire Industry Association
  • Office of Fair Trading

Panels established by the STC

The STC also establishes and monitors the performance of the following panel:

  • Service Trades Licensing Advisory Panel (STLAP)
  • Notifiable Work Panel (NWP)
  1. The STLAP (formerly called the Complex Licensing Panel) is established under section 106(d) of the Plumbing and Drainage Act 2018 to assist the Commissioner with the performance of the Commissioner’s functions under part 2, divisions 1 to 7 of the PD Act, and to support the STC.

    The functions of the Panel include:

    • reviewing and providing advice about technical qualifications for licences under the PD Act
    • providing advice about skills and experience required for licences under the PD Act
    • reviewing national training packages to ensure they are delivering appropriate outcomes for apprentices and other trainees
    • conducting research and analysis of licensing practices in other Australian jurisdictions and overseas
    • reviewing licence applications that may be referred by the QBCC for further analysis
    • reviewing and providing advice or information about any other relevant matter referred to the Panel by the Council.
  2. STLAP members are appointed by the STC for a term of two years, and include representatives of both government and industry. The organisations represented on STLAP include:

    • Air-conditioning and Mechanical Contractors Association
    • Institute of Plumbing Inspectors Queensland
    • Master Plumbers’ Association of Queensland
    • National Fire Industry Association
    • Queensland Building and Construction Commission
    • Plumbing and Pipe Trades Employees Union
    • TAFE Queensland
    • Service trades industry licensees
  1. The NWP is established under section 106(e) of the Plumbing and Drainage Act 2018 to assist the STC with performing its functions.

    The Panel’s function is to review and provide recommendations for improvement to the notifiable work framework. This includes:

    • Reviewing and making recommendations to the Council about:
      • the implementation of the notifiable work framework and its impact on the plumbing and drainage trade, including but not limited to local government, QBCC and licensees
      • the schedules of work, local government functions, definitions and other relevant provisions of the Plumbing and Drainage Regulation 2019 pertaining to notifiable work
      • communication and educational materials available to industry
      • any other matters referred from the Council or QBCC Commissioner;
    • engaging with industry stakeholders and users about the notifiable work system; and
    • performing other functions referred from the Council.
    • Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works
    • Institute of Plumbing Inspectors Queensland
    • Local Government Association of Queensland
    • Master Plumbers’ Association of Queensland
    • Moreton Bay City Council
    • National Fire Industry Association
    • Queensland Building and Construction Commission
    • Plumbing and Pipe Trades Employees Union Queensland
    • TAFE Queensland
    • Service trades industry licensees

Last reviewed: 26 Feb 2024 Last published: 5 Jul 2022
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