Responsibilities of an adjudicator | Queensland Building and Construction Commission

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Conditions of registration

Registration as an adjudicator is subject to the conditions outlined below.

Code of conduct 

Adjudicators are required comply with the Code of conduct for adjudicators (PDF, 56.3KB), which is a condition of their registration.

The Code sets out the standards of conduct and professionalism expected from adjudicators when adjudicating payment claim disputes under the Building Industry Fairness (Security of Payment) Act 2017.

If an adjudicator breaches a requirement of the Code, there may be grounds to suspend or cancel their registration.

Suspension or cancellation of registration

Your registration can be suspended or cancelled if:

  • you are not, or are no longer, a suitable person to hold registration
  • you have contravened a requirement of the code of conduct for adjudicators 
  • you have contravened a condition of registration 
  • the registration was issued because of a materially false or misleading representation or declaration.

Contact the Registry or lodge a form

To make enquiries or to lodge a form you can contact us by:

Annual CPD

Adjudicators must complete continuing professional development each year.

Brick pattern

Last reviewed: 3 Oct 2021 Last published: 3 Oct 2021
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