Request copies of your documents (AA) | Queensland Building and Construction Commission

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Where possible, we will release your own personal information through the streamlined Administrative Access (AA) process.

When you apply for a licence, or send in a complaint form, we create a file that contains all your paperwork. It includes any additional information you give to us, as well as copies of any letters or reports that we send you.

If you want information from your file, that you have sent us or we have sent you, you can apply to us through AA. It is an easier and quicker process than the formal Right to Information (RTI) or Information Privacy (IP) application process.

What is not available under AA?

Information you can't access under AA includes:

  • information that cannot be legally released or that’s subject to legal professional privilege
  • information relating to a current case (not closed), including a dispute, complaint, investigation, prosecution or other law enforcement activity
  • large requests for information
  • personal information considered to be highly sensitive or confidential
  • generally, any information that is not your own personal information.

 To request access to information that is unavailable under AA, you can apply under:

  • Information Privacy (IP)—to apply for your personal information only
  • Right to Information (RTI)—to apply for the information of other people or companies, or a combination of your personal information and the information of other people or companies.


AA requests are free with the exception of :

How to apply

Download and complete:

Administrative Access release form (PDF, 62KB)

You will need to provide us with:

  • the completed form
  • a copy of your proof of identity.

If someone (including a legal representative) is acting on your behalf or as your agent, you must provide:

  • evidence that they have authority to act on your behalf by completing Attachment A on the application form or a separate Authority to act form (PDF, 42KB)
  • a copy of their proof of identity
  • a copy of your proof of identity.

NOTE: Depending on the sensitivity of your request, we may contact you to provide a certified copy of your proof of identity.

Lodge the completed form and supporting documents to us by mail or email.

What happens next?

Applications processed under the Administrative Access Scheme are generally processed within 10 business days from receipt of a valid application.

The release of information through AA is discretionary and there is no ability to seek a review of an access decision made under this scheme. However, applicants dissatisfied with a decision may make a complaint to the QBCC.

More information

For more detail about the AA Scheme, see the:

Last reviewed: 6 Oct 2021 Last published: 6 Oct 2021
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