Review of a QBCC decision | Queensland Building and Construction Commission

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You have 28 days to apply for a review of a reviewable decision. This review can be done independently through either the:

QBCC internal review of a QBCC decision

You have 28 calendar days from the date of the original decision to apply for an internal review.

Once an internal review decision is made by the Internal Review Unit, the decision cannot be re-reviewed or changed by QBCC. However, the internal review decision can then be reviewed in QCAT.

When might an internal review alter the outcome?

Circumstances in which the internal review outcome may be different to the original decision include:

  • where there has been a change in circumstances
  • new information coming to light since the original decision was made
  • crucial information being missed in making the original decision.

Find out what can be reviewed by the QBCC.

QCAT review of a QBCC decision

The Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) cannot change legislation or take regulatory action. However, QCAT is independent of the QBCC and their review can lead to a new decision. The QBCC must adopt any decision made by QCAT (subject to any appeal rights).

Apply to QCAT

You can apply to QCAT for a review within 28 calendar days of the date of either :

  • the original decision, OR
  • a decision being made by the QBCC Internal Review Unit.

The appropriate forms and information on how to start a review in QCAT can be found on the QCAT website.

Please be aware that some decisions are not reviewable by QCAT. 

Unhappy with the outcome of an information request?

Apply for an internal review of an RTI or IP decision.

Open road with sunset in the distance

Last reviewed: 30 Aug 2021 Last published: 30 Aug 2021
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