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- What can be reviewed
What can be reviewed?
Decisions that can be reviewed internally by the QBCC are called reviewable decisions. Check the listing below to ensure your decision is reviewable prior to submitting your application.
The Internal Review Unit can only apply the same regulations, policies and procedures as the original decision maker.
For this reason, there is a possibility that the internal review decision may be the same or similar to the original decision.
Full list of reviewable decisions
Check the listing below to ensure your decision is reviewable prior to submitting your application.
Reviewable licensing and compliance decisions:
- refusal of a licence application
- refusal of a licence renewal
- to impose or vary a licence condition
- suspension of a licence
- cancelling a licence
- refusal of an owner-builder permit
- suspension of an owner-builder permit
- cancellation an owner-builder permit
- to publish details of a non-licensee excluded individual.
This also includes licensing and compliance decisions that:
- a person is an excluded individual for an insolvency event or a series of insolvency events
- a person is a non-licensee excluded individual
- a company is an excluded company
- a person is an influential person for a company
- a person is a convicted company officer, banned individual or disqualified person
- an accountant is an excluded accountant
- an auditor is an excluded auditor
- there are reasonable grounds for concern that a licensee does not satisfy the financial requirements for their licence.
Reviewable dispute resolution decisions:
- to issue a direction to rectify defective building work
- not to issue a direction to rectify defective building work
- to take disciplinary action against a person under section 74F
- that rectification work is satisfactory
- that rectification work is not satisfactory.
Reviewable non-conforming building product (NCBP) decisions:
- to direct a person in the chain of responsibility for a building product to take stated action under section 74AL(5 ) of the QBCC Act
- to give a direction under section 74AN (remedy/prevention)
- not to accept a building product undertaking under part 6AA, division 3
- not to agree to a withdrawal or variation of a building product undertaking under section 74AT.
- to seize a place, part of a place, building, structure or other thing under part 9, division 6
- to require information or attendance before the inspector under section 105T
- to give a direction under section 106P or 106Q (non-conforming building products).
Reviewable insurance decisions:
- about the scope of works for an insurance claim
- to disallow an insurance claim wholly or in part
- that a domestic building contract has been terminated allowing an insurance claim for incomplete work.
Reviewable certification decisions:
- refusal of a licence application
- refusal of a licence renewal
- to suspend or cancel a certifier's licence
- to impose conditions on a certifier's licence
- to disqualify a certifier from holding a certifier's licence
- that a certifier has engaged in unsatisfactory conduct
- that a certifier has engaged in professional misconduct
- that a certifier has not engaged in unsatisfactory conduct or professional misconduct.
Reviewable decisions on plumbers and drainers:
- refusal of a licence as a plumber or drainer
- to take disciplinary action against a plumber or drainer
- to impose or change conditions on a plumbing or drainage licence.
Reviewable pool safety inspector decisions:
- refusal of a licence application for a pool safety inspector
- refuse of licence renewal for a pool safety inspector
- refusal to restore the licence of a pool safety inspector
- amendment to a pool safety inspector's licence
- suspension of a pool safety inspector's licence
- cancelling a pool safety inspector's licence
- to take disciplinary action against a pool safety inspector
- to impose conditions on a pool safety inspector's licence.
Reviewable pool safety management plan decisions:
- approving a pool safety management plan
- refusing to approve a pool safety management plan
- cancelling an approved pool safety management plan
- amending an approved pool safety management plan
Decisions that are not reviewable
Internal reviews cannot be conducted on certain types of issues or decisions, these are:
- staff conduct
- decisions from another agency
- Penalty Infringement Notices (fines)
- the same matters in QCAT by the same applicant
- where a reviewable decision has not yet been made
- changes to legislation
- items out of scope for review application
- regulator action against licensees.