Compliments and complaints | Queensland Building and Construction Commission

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Our commitment

The QBCC aims to provide exceptional levels of customer service in the delivery of its statutory functions and services to the community. 

We encourage our customers to provide both positive and negative feedback concerning any aspect of the QBCC's statutory functions, services, processes or procedures, or the standard of customer service delivery.

Your feedback provides us with the opportunity to identify business improvement opportunities, monitor the success of some of our initiatives and ensure continuous improvement to our business.  

We are committed to providing customer-focused, prompt, efficient and effective management of all feedback.

Your feedback

We encourage you to provide us with your feedback.

Types of feedback

Feedback can be in the form of: 

  • Compliments —we record all compliments and ensure that the staff member or department is recognised for their contribution to your positive experience. 
  • Suggestions—your suggestions about how we can improve our service are essential to us and help us look at new ways to improve the services we provide. 
  • Complaints about the service we provided—if you are dissatisfied with the level of service provided to you, please let us know. Where possible, please provide any relevant supporting information and the remedy you are seeking.

For further information, please refer to our Customer feedback policy (PDF, 3MB).

How to provide feedback

You can lodge a suggestion, compliment or complaint about the service we have provided:

  • through our online feedback form
  • by phone— 139 333
  • by mail—
    Manager, Integrity and Complaints Branch
    Queensland Building and Construction Commission
    GPO Box 5099

Our response

We review all feedback in line with our Customer feedback policy (PDF, 3MB).

Unhappy with our response?

If you are dissatisfied with the way we dealt with your feedback or complaint, or you believe that the matter has not been properly investigated, you can ask us to escalate it. You can request escalation by contacting us by phone, mail or the online form.

We will review the case. If you are not satisfied with the results of the review, you can request the Queensland Ombudsman's Office to review the outcome.

Please read the information available at the

When we might not respond to your complaint

We are committed to being accessible and responsive to all customers who approach us for assistance.  At the same time, we also have an obligation to provide a safe and healthy workplace for our employees and recognise that there may be an element of risk when dealing with some customers.

On rare occasions, some customers may behave in an aggressive, intimidatory or potentially violent way, or their demands may pose an unreasonable administrative burden on QBCC resources. 

In this instance, we reserve the right to take appropriate action to manage a customer's impact on the wellbeing or safety of our staff or the organisation by considering imposing access restrictions or alternative service arrangements.

For further information, please refer to our Customer engagement management policy (PDF, 368KB).

How we handle your personal information

The QBCC must comply with the provisions under the Right to Information Act 2009 and Information Privacy Act 2009.

The personal information obtained from your feedback will only be used to resolve the feedback. External reporting on feedback will not contain any personally identifiable information.

The QBCC Integrity and Complaints Branch will confidentially investigate serious complaints, and details of the allegations and investigations will be restricted to the appropriate investigators.

When outcomes are provided to customers who lodge a complaint, we will strive to achieve a balance between compliance with our legislative obligations and affording the privacy of individuals involved to the greatest practicable extent.

Last reviewed: 30 Aug 2021 Last published: 30 Aug 2021
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