Adjudication process and decision | Queensland Building and Construction Commission

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Assessment of case

When the adjudicator receives an application, it will be assessed to determine whether jurisdiction exists to decide the payment dispute. Further information may be requested from either party to assist with making a decision.

Making the decision

In making a decision the adjudicator will decide:

  • the amount owed (if any)
  • the due date for payment
  • the interest rate that applies.

When the adjudicator makes a decision, they will notify both parties and request payment of fees. After receiving payment, a copy of the decision will be given to both parties and the Adjudication Registry. Both parties are equally responsible for paying the adjudicator’s fees and expenses unless the adjudicator decides otherwise.

Once a decision has been released, the registry will publish the decision in the adjudications decisions register on myQBCC. If an adjudicated amount is payable, the registry will provide the claimant with an adjudication certificate for the decision.

It is, however, important to note that an adjudication decision is interim-binding. This means that a decision awarding an adjudication amount must be paid, but does not limit the parties’ rights to have the matter subsequently dealt with on a full and final basis by commencing legal proceedings in an appropriate court.

Been paid already?

You can withdraw from the adjudication process.

Brick pattern

Adjudicator fees

Listed below are the maximum fees an adjudicator can charge based on the value of your claim.  

Total claim amount Fee
If progress payment is not more than $5,000 $620

If progress payment is more than $5,000 and up to $15,000


If progress payment  is more than $15,000 and up to $20,000

If the progress payment is more than $20,000 and  up to  $25,000 $2070

Above $25,000

If no amount is agreed for fees and expenses between the adjudicator and the parties, the adjudicator is entitled to an amount that is reasonable having regard to the work done and expenses incurred by the adjudicator.

Information and advice

See Industry guide to security of payment (PDF, 2.5MB) for more information.

The registry provides a consumer advisory service that can be contacted by:

Last reviewed: 23 Sep 2021 Last published: 23 Sep 2021
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