Changes to sprinkler and suppression systems licences
Sprinkler and suppression systems licences transitioned to the water-based fire system stream under the new framework which commenced on 1 May 2021.

Key changes for transitioning licensees:
- New definitions for domestic and residential fire sprinkler systems and commercial or industrial type sprinkler systems have been included (and reference to AS2118 removed).
- There are changes for licensees who transitioned to the new ‘certify’ classes.
- ‘Install and maintain’ classes automatically transitioned to the most relevant new ‘install and maintain’ class.
- The former ‘inspect and test’ class automatically transitioned to the new ‘install and maintain’ class – the broader scope means:
- licensees will be able to carry out all types of installation and maintenance of fire sprinkler systems
- incidental installation of fire collars will also be included.
- The new water-based fire system stream now includes work on fire hydrant systems and fire hose reels – with or without pumps in the scope of work for all classes.
Former licence classes that have transitioned:
- Sprinkler and suppression systems (reticulated water-based) PI*
- Sprinkler and suppression systems (reticulated water-based) – occupational.
- Fire protection upskilling requirements
- New fire protection framework
- Certify classes changes
- Emergency lighting licence changes
- Fire detection, alarm & warning system licence changes
- Sprinkler and suppression systems licence changes
- Fire hydrants, hose reels & pumps licence changes
- Fire safety professional licence changes
- Changes to portable fire equipment licences
- Passive fire licence changes
- Special hazard suppression systems licence changes
Last reviewed: 29 Nov 2021
Last published: 29 Nov 2021
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