Changes to fire hydrants, hose reels and pumps licences | Queensland Building and Construction Commission
Diagram depicting transition of licence classes to water-based stream

Key changes for transitioned licensees:

  • There are changes for licensees transitioning to the new ‘certify’ classes. 
  • ‘Install and maintain’ classes transitioned with no upskilling requirement and includes a broader range of commercial and industrial water-based fire systems. 
  • The ‘fire hydrants and hose reels - inspect and test’ class transitioned to the new portable stream ‘install and maintain’ class with the following scope of work: 
    • install and maintain portable firefighting appliances - AND
    • maintain, but not including inspecting and testing, fire hose reel systems downstream of the point of attachment of the fire hose to the drum - AND
    • inspect and test unpumped fire hose reel systems - AND
    • inspect and test unpumped fire hydrant systems, restricted to carrying out the tasks mentioned in the 6-monthly fire hydrant service schedules under AS 1851 - AND
    • inspect and test portable firefighting appliances.
  • Licensees who held a 'fire hydrants and hose reels - inspect and test' licence at 30 April 2021 were provided with a temporarily expanded scope of work to allow them to continue to inspect and test fire hydrants and fire hose reels until 31 October 2021. This period has now ended. From 1 November 2021, licensees will require an additional class to perform the full scope of work contained in the former class.
  • The ‘fire pumps - inspect and test’ class is a continuing class of licence and may be held by transitioning licensees with no change to the current scope of work.

Former licence classes that have transitioned:

  • Fire hydrants and hose reels PI*
  • Fire hydrants and hose reels – occupational
  • Fire pumps PI*
  • Fire pumps – occupational.

Last reviewed: 29 Nov 2021 Last published: 29 Nov 2021
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