Changes to fire detection, alarm and warning system licences | Queensland Building and Construction Commission

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Fire detection, alarm and warning system licences transitioned to the electrical stream under the new framework which commenced on 1 May 2021. 

Key changes for licensees

  • The definition of ‘fire protection work’ has been amended and from 1 May 2021, no longer includes the installation, certification, repair or maintenance of a battery-operated smoke alarm in a building that is a class 1a or 2 building under the Building Code of Australia.
  • The contractor licensing exemption that allowed, prior to 1 May 2021, “Inspection, testing, installation or general repair by a person who is a licensed electrical mechanic, of a fire detection system, alarm system or emergency warning and communication system for a building” without a QBCC contractor licence was removed from 1 May 2021.  
  • Licensed electricians require a QBCC contractor licence for this fire protection work to the extent that it is not electrical work under the Electrical Safety Act 2002.
  • Employees of licensed contractors who hold an electrical mechanic’s licence will continue to be exempt from holding a QBCC occupational licence for this work.
  • To assist electrical mechanics who currently perform this work, transitional provisions will allowed them to apply for the contractor licence before 1 November 2021 by demonstrating specified experience, during which time they may continue to lawfully carry out this work. The transitional period has now ended.
  • New definition to clarify 'fire alarm systems' includes intercom systems as well as smoke and heat alarm systems and devices. Please note that this definition is subject to the above exclusion from fire protection work of specified work associated with a battery-operated smoke alarms in class 1a or 2 buildings above. 
  • There are changes for licensees transitioning to the new ‘certify’ classes. 
  • The current ‘fire detection alarm and warning systems - maintain – extra low voltage’ class is a continuing class of licence with its current scope of work retained.  
Transition arrangements for electrical stream

Upskilling requirement

Existing contractor or nominee supervisor licence holders who have transitioned to the new licence class must complete an upskilling requirement by 1 May 2025.

Former licence classes that have transitioned

Former licence classes that have transitioned:

  • Fire detection, alarm and warning systems PI*
  • Fire detection, alarm and warning systems – occupational

Last reviewed: 29 Nov 2021 Last published: 29 Nov 2021
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