Rules for previous owner builders | Queensland Building and Construction Commission

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Exceptions to 6-year rule

We may issue a new permit in exceptional circumstances, such as:

  • if either you, or a person you are living with, is suffering from a serious medical condition and the work to be carried out would help
  • if either you, or a person you are living with, is suffering severe financial hardship and the work to be carried out would help.

How to apply for exemption

You can apply for an exemption from the 6-year rule.

If you are granted an exemption you will then need to apply through the standard process and provide a copy of your approval letter with your application.

  1. You must provide supporting documentation outlining your exceptional circumstances.

  2.  Owner builder — exemption from the six year ruling (PDF, 1.05MB)

    Please make sure you provide a current email address and check it for updates from us.

  3. Lodge the form and all documents with us:

What happens next?

Please allow 10 working days for us to process your exemption request. We will contact you via email or mail to let you know if your exemption has been approved.

Please make sure you provide a current email address and check it for updates from us.

If your exemption from the six-year ruling is approved you will then need to complete the standard application form and provide your approval letter with your application.

Last reviewed: 30 Aug 2021 Last published: 30 Aug 2021
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