If work is already completed | Queensland Building and Construction Commission

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The letter also informs the council's development assessment manager that no insurance premium is payable for the work (usually a certifier or assessment manager needs to sight a certificate of home warranty insurance to approve the development).

How to apply

When you submit this form you will also have to pay a fine for carrying out owner builder work without a permit.

  1. You must attach:

    • a current Title Search from Titles Queensland (no older than 30 days)
    • a Company Historical Extract or Company Current Extract issued by the Australian Securities Investment Commission (ASIC), if you are applying as a company (no older than 30 days)
    • a certified copy of your proof of identity — a copy certified by a Justice of the Peace, a Commissioner of Declarations or a lawyer, of either your current:
      • driver's licence
      • proof of age card
      • passport
      • birth certificate.

    Each person listed on the property title must complete and sign the form.

  2. Please include a current email address as we will use that to contact you.

    Owner builder—work already completed (PDF, 74.91KB)

  3. If accepted, the QBCC must place a notification on your title that owner building work has been completed without a permit. This notification remains on your title for at least 6 years and may have implications if you sell your property.

    You can lodge your application:


What happens next?

Please allow 20 working days for us to process your request.

Once processed we will send you the letter by email or post.  Please make sure you check your email for updates.

Fines may apply

Depending on circumstances you will have to pay a fine — by submitting the work already completed application you are declaring that you have unlawfully performed building work.

Last reviewed: 30 Aug 2021 Last published: 30 Aug 2021
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