Continuing professional development—pool safety inspector | Queensland Building and Construction Commission

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PSI measuring gap in pool fence

We measure your activity using a point system and we approve and allocate points for CPD activities such as training courses, workshops, seminars and memberships.  

Experience gained within each 12-month period is added to your licence when you renew or restore it annually. 

We welcome submissions of proposed professional development activities.  

How many points do I need? 

Each year a pool safety inspector must accrue:

  • 6 points—for most licensees
  • 4 points —for building certifiers. 

How do I accrue points? 


Approximately 1 point = 1 hour of participation in an approved educational activity.

NOTE: You can submit a request to the QBCC to approve an activity prior to completing it.


You will accrue 2 points if you are a member of any of the following organisations: 

  • Australian Institute of Building Surveyors
  • Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
  • Swimming Pool and Spa Association of Queensland
  • Institute of Building Consultants as a division of Master Builders. 

State and local government employees

Pool safety inspectors employed by the state (including the QBCC) or local government have the option to gain CPD points through work experience.   

The work experience must be gained:

  • while working as a pool safety officer employed by the Queensland Government, the QBCC or a local government in Queensland  
  • while employed for no less than a total of 60 days in the 12 months immediately preceding the time when the person applies to renew or restore their licence  
  • in addition to at least one hour of training, that is either:
    • derived and conducted ‘in-house’ – related to the pool safety legislation and standards in Queensland
    • a CPD approved activity.  

A person is taken to have worked for a day as a pool safety officer if, regardless of their actual position description, the work duties they performed during that day related predominantly to the safety of barriers for ‘regulated pools’ as defined under the Building Act 1975 (Act).

Demonstrating work experience for CPD points 

To demonstrate you have completed work experience for your CPD points you can submit a letter or email with your application for licence renewal or restoration that:

  • is from the manager or supervisor of the pool safety inspector  
  • confirms that you have completed work experience plus the additional training. 

Adding CPD points to your licence

When you apply, renew or restore your licence, you must provide evidence that you have accumulated CPD points from the previous year. You can do this by sending in: 

  • certificates
  • statements of attainment
  • letters or emails from course providers confirming that you have completed the activity. 


CPD approved activities for PSIs

CourseProvider and contact
Advanced Diploma of Building Surveying - CPCSS00004—Provide Building Surveying Services for Residential Buildings up to three storeys 

CPC40110 – Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Building) 

CPC50210 Diploma of Building and Construction (Building) 

NSW Legislation and Standards 

Swimming Pool Safety Inspection – Day 2 only 
Please note: This is a duplication of day 2 of the PSI course (pool safety standard). Please contact the course provider for details. 

Revision of PSI requirements/logical problems and solutions (non-conformities) 
  • PSI Further Education
SDCM71-316 (Structures and Soil Mechanics) (a subject of the Graduate Diploma in Building Surveying) 



CourseProvider and contact
10314NAT Course in Asbestos Awareness 
Fencing components and compliance requirements 
Strength and rigidity 


CourseProvider and contact
Common inconsistent interpretations and technical non-compliances AS1926.1-2007 and QDCMP3.4 
CNQ12B Completed Residential Building Inspection program 
Review of the pool safety standard for barriers - online course 



CourseProvider and contact

Client interaction and communication - online course 

PSI Awareness - online course 

Record keeping, professional conduct and complaints - online course 

Testing strength and rigidity of metal pool fencing, laws and changes and code of conduct overview—online course - online course 

Interpreting the figures of QDC MP 3.4 

Pool barriers 

Record keeping  

Schedule 2D CPD points for membership for continuing professional development 



  • Industrial Organisation of Employers ABN 96 641 989 386 


  • RICS Australasia Pty Ltd ACN 089 873 067



CourseProvider and contact

Delivery of a Keynote Paper at a SPASA Pool Safety Inspectors' Technical Forum 

Pool Safety Inspectors' Technical Forum 

Alternative solutions, impracticality exemptions, variations and Building and Development Committees decisions 

Dividing fences - pool barriers 

Code of conduct 

Evidence gathering 

Guideline for pool owners and property managers 

Legislative developments 

Newsflashes and newsletters 

Drowning report analysis 

Record keeping 

Terms of service agreement 


Minor repairs 

One (1) hour of delivering training or assessment in the employ of a registered training organisation of any of the below: 

  • CPCCBC4001A - Apply building codes and standards to the construction process for low rise building projects
  • CPCCBC4002A - Manage occupational health and safety in the building and construction workplace
  • CPCCBC4007A - Plan building or construction work 
Understanding AS1684.2 Australian Residential Timber Framed Construction - 1 hour - 1 point 


Last reviewed: 19 Sep 2021 Last published: 19 Sep 2021
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