Changes to director resignations | Queensland Building and Construction Commission

QBCC licence and other fees are set by regulation and increase according to the Government Indexation Rate. For 2024-2025, the Government Indexation Rate is zero percent. Therefore there was no fee increase on 1 July 2024. 

Director resignation

The information below comes from the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.

Since 18 February 2021, a company director cannot backdate their resignation more than 28 days or resign if it means the company would be left without a director. Backdating resignations was a common tactic used by directors to engage in illegal phoenix activity.

Illegal phoenix activity involves creating a new company to continue the business of an existing company that has been deliberately liquidated to avoid paying outstanding debts, including taxes, creditors and employee entitlements.

The resigning director or the company will now need to notify the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) of a director resignation within 28 days. If ASIC is not notified within 28 days, the effective resignation date will be the document lodgement date.

For example, if a director resigns on 1 March 2021 and does not notify ASIC of their resignation until 1 August 2021, ASIC will record their resignation as 1 August 2021 on the corporate register.

The company or director must apply to ASIC or the court to fix an earlier date. You can find out the timeframes and process for this on ASIC’s website.

The reforms also prohibit companies from removing the last remaining director on ASIC records, leaving a company with no directors. ASIC will reject submissions of Form 484 Change to company details or Form 370  Notification by officeholder of resignation or retirement to cease the last appointed director without replacing that appointment.

These reforms assist the joint effort of ASIC and other government agencies in detecting, deterring and disrupting directors and advisers who engage in illegal phoenix activity.

More information is available on ASIC’s website.

Last reviewed: 31 May 2021 Last published: 31 May 2021
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