Plumbing investigators enforce flow and order

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QBCC media releases

A team of highly skilled professionals from the QBCC Plumbing Investigations Unit were deployed to various building sites to ensure plumbing and drainage work is only carried out by appropriately licensed individuals.

QBCC Commissioner, Anissa Levy, says the QBCC is dedicated to ensuring plumbing and drainage work in Queensland is only carried out by licensed professionals, guaranteeing public health and the safety and quality of construction projects.

“As well as attending building sites, our Plumbing Investigations Unit has been providing licensees with important information to raise awareness of topical issues and increase collaboration," Ms Levy says.

"This campaign is not just about compliance; it also provides an opportunity for our team to engage with industry professionals, sharing important information on notifiable work, insurance requirements, and contractual obligations.

“By building strong relationships with the industry, we can collectively work towards fostering a culture of professionalism and compliance."

Recognising the important role of apprentices in the plumbing industry, the team also visited registered training organisations.

"Engaging with apprentices allows us to educate and empower the next generation of plumbing professionals. By instilling a strong understanding of licensing requirements and industry standards, we can lay the foundation for a highly skilled and compliant workforce.”

The QBCC Plumbing Investigations Unit also collaborated with local government bodies as part of their engagement activities.

"We are committed to working hand-in-hand with local governments to increase notifiable work inspections and promote compliance.

By joining forces, we can amplify our impact and ensure safer construction practices," says Commissioner Levy.

Using licensed plumbers and drainers is the best way to ensure your plumbing project complies with regulations and minimises unnecessary risk to your family's health and safety.

Check that your plumber is licensed by searching online or contacting the QBCC on 139 333.

Campaign Highlights:

  • 75 licence checks/inspections conducted at 25 building sites (commercial and domestic).
  • Two individuals suspected of performing plumbing work without an appropriate licence have been referred for further investigation.
  • Visits to regional areas, including Cardwell, Etty Bay, Brandon, Ayr, Bowen, Strathdickie, Sugar Loaf, Cannon Valley, and Gumlu. Engaged with real estate agencies in Collinsville and Bowen to provide information on the use of licensed plumbers and notifiable work.
  • Visited TAFE Qld in Cairns and addressed plumbing and drainage apprentices (second-year students) to provide general information about the QBCC, notifiable work, and licensing.
  • Attended the MPAQ Trade Expo in Cairns and engaged with local government plumbing inspectors, including those from Cairns, Mareeba, and Cassowary Coast.
  • Conducted two fire audits, one in Townsville and the other in Mackay. All individuals identified through service records/logbook held the appropriate licenses for fire protection work.

Last reviewed: 3 Jul 2023 Last published: 3 Jul 2023
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