58,000 licensees updated on potentially risky building products and practices | Queensland Building and Construction Commission

QBCC licence and other fees are set by regulation and increase according to the Government Indexation Rate. For 2024-2025, the Government Indexation Rate is zero percent. Therefore there was no fee increase on 1 July 2024. 

QBCC media releases

The Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC) has contacted almost 58,000 of its licensees, urging them to remain vigilant about the products they use and providing them with information about preventing NCBPs related to their licence classes.

In Queensland, each person in the building chain of responsibility – from designers to home owners - has a duty to ensure their actions do not lead to NCBPs being supplied or used in association with a building.

QBCC Commissioner, Anissa Levy, says the regulator has identified several product types that could pose problems for workers in some licence classes.

“With different products coming onto the market and work sites all the time, it can be difficult to keep up, so we are developing a range of technical fact sheets to help licensees check if a product could be non-conforming.

“For instance, we’ve contacted about 40,000 builders, carpenters, tilers and other licensees about the use of vinyl products in wet areas and the need for portable or temporary dwellings to comply with the National Construction Code,” Ms Levy says.

Other licensees who have been contacted include more than 17,000 in plumbing classes, to highlight issues with watermark certification and the use of vinyl products in wet areas.

About 800 glass glazing and aluminium licensees have also been contacted and provided information about windows and glazed external doors and ways to help ensure the product they supply or install is not an NCBP.

Ms Levy says several other fact sheets are currently being written by QBCC technical staff and will be provided to licensees when they are completed.

“We are always looking to provide licensees with the most current technical and other information to reduce defective and non-compliant work and to limit the risk of NCBPs.”

More information about responsibilities around NCBPs is available on the QBCC website.

Last reviewed: 6 Dec 2022 Last published: 6 Dec 2022
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