Role and responsibilities of a certifier | Queensland Building and Construction Commission

QBCC licence and other fees are set by regulation and increase according to the Government Indexation Rate. For 2024-2025, the Government Indexation Rate is zero percent. Therefore there was no fee increase on 1 July 2024. 


Integrity of certifiers

There is a high level of accountability in your position as a certifier so it is important that you avoid situations that may cause a conflict of interest.

Building certifiers:

  • can't carry out certification functions on work where they are personally involved or have an interest in the building work
  • must follow the Code of conduct for building certifiers (PDF)
  • must act in the public interest when performing building certifying functions.
Building certifiers need to keep copies of all building inspection documents for at least 7 years after the building work is completed.


Building certifiers do

  • carry out building assessment work relating to new, altered and existing building work
  • give a Compliance Certificate stating building work complies with the building assessment provisions
  • under a Building Development Approval, inspect the building work to decide whether to certify the work, including mandatory stages for class 1a single-detached buildings - as defined under section 44 of the Building Regulation
  • give a certificate for a stage of the building work
  • issue enforcement notices where required
  • give a final inspection certificate for the final stage of building work for Class 1 and 10 buildings/structures and/or a certificate of occupancy for a building or structure of another class.

Building certifiers don't

  • ensure a builder is complying with their contract
  • take responsibility for quality control
  • supervise the job site.

Notification of a missed inspection

It is the responsibility of the builder to let the certifier know when the project is at a stage requiring an inspection.

Certifiers must let the QBCC know if they did not receive a notice for inspection from the builder. This can be done by completing the form:

Notification of missed inspection (PDF, 33KB)

Lodge it with us:

Undertake continuing professional development

Keeping up to date with the latest building practices and legislation is an important part of your role. Continuing professional development requirements assist in maintaining your accreditation to meet licensing requirements.

Some of the areas where you may need to continue to increase your knowledge include:

  • technical building practices and related engineering, design and construction practices
  • building related law and the implications of those laws
  • building codes and standards
  • risk assessment and management principles relevant to the design and construction of buildings
  • professional and ethical responsibilities and obligations
  • effective communication techniques with designers, builders, building owners and the general community.

The QBCC's role in certification

Certifier misconduct

Building certifiers must act in the public interest. Examples of certifiers not doing this include:

  • seeking or accepting a benefit to themselves or others for acting against their statutory functions
  • acting against their statutory functions
  • falsely claiming to hold the appropriate licence needed to carry out building assessments of a particular type
  • acting outside the scope of their legislated powers
  • breaching the Code of conduct for building certifiers (PDF)
  • acting in a grossly negligent or incompetent way.

A certifier's conduct can be reported to the QBCC.

Apply for a certifier licence

Check eligibility requirements and apply for a certifier licence.


Last reviewed: 3 Oct 2021 Last published: 3 Oct 2021
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