Managing disputes | Queensland Building and Construction Commission

QBCC licence and other fees are set by regulation and increase according to the Government Indexation Rate. For 2024-2025, the Government Indexation Rate is zero percent. Therefore there was no fee increase on 1 July 2024. 


What is a dispute?

This is the first video of a six part series, designed to help you understand more about the common causes of building work disputes, tips to avoid them, as well as the dispute process itself.


What causes a dispute?

Learn the common causes of a dispute, and how to avoid them.


What can QBCC do?

Learn how we can help you when a build is in progress and there is a dispute.


Complaint after the work is completed

Learn about the process if QBCC receives a complaint about defective building work after the work is completed.


Assessment and facilitation

Learn about Assessment and facilitation, site access and the QBCC inspection process.


Ignoring a complaint

Compliance and enforcement strategies are important tools to support the integrity of Queensland's building and construction industry. Learn what happens if you ignore a complaint.


Last reviewed: 5 Sep 2023 Last published: 5 Sep 2023
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