CPR signs | Queensland Building and Construction Commission

We have updated licensing application forms to make them easier to understand and complete. The redesigned forms also require applicants to provide 2 certified passport photos for a new photo licence card. To learn more visit our transition to digital licensing page. 


The pool safety standard also covers pool safety signs:

  • you must display a compliant CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) sign.
  • the CPR sign must be attached to the pool fence or barrier, or somewhere near the pool so it is conspicuous and anyone near the pool can see it.

You must display a CPR sign that:

  • shows how to perform CPR
  • is attached to the pool safety fence, or displayed near the pool
  • is easily visible to a person near the pool
  • is at least 300mm by 300mm
  • is made of durable and weatherproof material
  • includes a prominent statement explaining how to act in an emergency (e.g. call 000, stay with the injured person, provide first aid)
  • complies with the Australian Resuscitation Council's resuscitation guidelines, as per the image below.
 It is important that your sign stipulates that CPR must start with 30 chest compressions, followed by 2 breaths. 

Location of CPR sign

Think about putting your CPR sign closest to where you might retrieve a person from a pool to perform CPR. The sign may be best placed near the shallow end of the pool or near the steps.

Last reviewed: 30 Aug 2021 Last published: 30 Aug 2021
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