The QBCC wades into help after recent floods | Queensland Building and Construction Commission

The QBCC Townsville Service Centre has re-opened - Learn more

topical view od houses in a flood

Many homes in both areas suffered flood damage and needed repairs after the waters receded. Regardless of whether the damage needed minor or major repair work, the QBCC was involved to ensure building standards were upheld, giving residents peace of mind.

After Inglewood flooded late last year staff from the QBCC Toowoomba office were quickly on hand at the Inglewood Recovery Hub to centre to reassure residence and provide information and guidance about compliant and safe building work. Tiffany Barber and Kaitlyn Healy (pictured below) gave residents information about licence registers and advice on mould awareness, asbestos management and the impacts of flood waters on plumbing.

Ex-Tropical Cyclone Seth also caused major flooding on the Fraser Coast earlier this year, resulting in many homes and buildings needing significant and ongoing repairs. A team from the QBCC was put together to support recovery efforts and provide help and information about flood-related home repairs and rebuilding.  

The major building and construction related concerns people were looking for following the floods included information on repairs to damaged plasterboard, timber and timber homes and using plumbing and water in flood and cyclone-affected areas.

In both areas the QBCC’s skills and experience assisted by reminding property owners that if repair work or rebuilding was needed to always use a licensed contractor, and if the building work was valued over $3,300 to ensure a contract was in place for the work.

The QBCC’s social media channels also gave timely advice to people in the affected areas by advising that the QBCC website has a free search tool to help identify and contact local licensees and a variety of building contracts for free download, including a Natural Disaster Repairs Contract.

Extensive information for home owners and contractors about rebuilding after a natural disaster, including flood events, can be found all year round on the QBCC website.  

QBCC staff

Last reviewed: 23 Feb 2022 Last published: 23 Feb 2022
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