Queensland Home Warranty Scheme Review | Queensland Building and Construction Commission

QBCC licence and other fees are set by regulation and increase according to the Government Indexation Rate. For 2024-2025, the Government Indexation Rate is zero percent. Therefore there was no fee increase on 1 July 2024. 

QBCC news

Given a home is one of the largest investments Queenslanders will make, it is important that the Scheme is structured to provide the best possible outcomes for consumers and industry.

In 2016, the Queensland Government made amendments to expand the Scheme’s coverage, increase cover limits and include the Scheme’s terms and conditions in regulation.

The next phase of the review will be led by a subcommittee of the Ministerial Construction Council (MCC), which is the Government’s peak building and construction industry advisory body. This review is being delivered in four stages.

Stage OutcomeTimeframe
1Public survey to gauge current community and industry views  Completed August 2021 
2Release of information paper based on survey resultsEarly 2022 
3Information sessions across Queensland to define local community concernsFrom early 2022
4MCC and Government consideration of the consultation results and policy responseEarly to mid-2022

The Department of Energy and Public Works will be conducting online and in person information sessions, subject to COVID-19 restrictions, early 2022.

To register your interest in attending an information session or to receive further updates about the review, please visit www.qld.gov.au/HomeWarrantyScheme.

Any data gathered from the survey or consultation process will be held by the Scheme Review.

More information

Visit  www.qld.gov.au/HomeWarrantyScheme for information regarding the review and consultation activities. 

Visit the Queensland Home Warranty Scheme page for more information.

Last reviewed: 10 Dec 2021 Last published: 10 Dec 2021
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