7 top safety tips to secure your site this storm season | Queensland Building and Construction Commission

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QBCC media releases

Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC) Commissioner Anissa Levy says there are a few common-sense safety measures to limit the risk.

“In order to help avoid injury, damage and costs associated with storms and cyclones, it’s important to keep your site clean, says Commissioner Levy.

“Removing loose material and rubbish is a great first step, as strong winds could cause problems by potentially turning materials into missiles.

“When a storm hits, strong winds can result in major damage if items such as roofing sheets and scaffolding are not secured properly.”

Commissioner Levy says rising flood waters as a result of high tides or storm surges also pose a threat to building sites.

“Raising and securing all material above known flood levels will give your site the best protection against the elements, while another tip to avoid flooding is to ensure your site has adequate and compliant drainage.

“Temporary structures need to be secured too, including site offices and shipping containers.

“Contractors should also use this time to check that their insurance policies and coverage are fully up to date and sites and values are accurate.”

In the event of wild weather, the QBCC Commissioner stresses the importance of only returning to site when it is safe to do so.

“When it is safe and practical to return to site, you should secure and address any dangerous or failed areas.”

More information about how to prepare for natural disasters can be found on the QBCC website.

7 Top Tips

  1. A clean site is a safer site
  2. Raise your materials and lower your flood risk
  3. Brace your fencing so temporary barricades last longer
  4. Dig some trenches so rainwater can run off
  5. Keep site offices secure to keep the books dry
  6. Check the insurance policy to dodge future headaches
  7. When the storm passes get back on site asap

Last reviewed: 19 Dec 2022 Last published: 19 Dec 2022
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